Yesterday I mentioned on Facebook that I was going to start a blog called "Improve from Within". At the time it was kind of a ridiculous thought but actually it´s been something that has been stirring inside me for a while now. What to do, what to do? Should I do a blog about beauty, should I do a blog about diet and exercise, should I write one about my everyday life? So I have decided to cover all of these themes and combine them into a whole lifestyle blog, of a woman who has the same conflicts that probably most average women have. I am not tremendously overweight, but have aprox 10-12 kilos to lose, I have been happily married for a year and a half and have known my husband for 11 years now. I do mainly two things: teach English at a primary school in Puebla, Mexico and do Professional Makeup on the side.
It´s weird because on the one hand I am the formal schoolteacher but on the other hand I am the quirky, rock fashion makeup artist. So I feel a bit bipolar sometimes. Anyway yesterday I watched a video that mentions 4 main habits that one can take to reach weightloss.
1. Don´t think of your goal weight, but think of the everday habits you overtake to achieve it.
2.Eat slowly, by the time your halfway through your plate you´ll realize that you are satisfied.
3.Don´t eat from a bag or carton.
4.Yes! You can have pasta, but mix in your one cup portion with veggies to make it look substantial.
So hopefully with these tips there can be a starting point for you to "improve from within". Many more tips about becoming a wellrounded person regarding, beauty, wisdom, health, nutrition and makeup to come!!! Now, I´ll just go back to eating my oatmeal with blueberries.
You are beautiful! In every way! :-)