jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

What to do?

Ok. So I am thinking about creating a blog about two main topics. I usually write about life thoughts on this blog, but I am feeling enthusiastic about making two blogs that have themes around them. The first idea, of course, has to do with make up and beauty! The second blog is about my journey trying to live a healthier, leaner and more active lifestyle. Quite difficult when you actually have to sit down to write the blog, or upload things on it. But I am a little hesitant about doing a "losing weight" blog, because I´m scared something might not work out, or I might not reach a goal, or that by actually putting myself out there, I might be risking too much. What if I don´t follow through? What if I don´t do what I am proposing myself to do. The make up blog, seems fun to me and it´s something I enjoy, but the lose weight blog, seems risky! What should I do followers???? Maybe both??? Give me some feedback!